Software Assurance, LLC Apps

Mobile-Security 1.1
The customer base of mobile app isincreasedexponentially with rapid market growth. At the same time,securityvulnerability has become the major threat and challenge forbothenterprise and end users. Considering the fact, SoftwareAssurance,LLC realized the need of securing and preventing user’svaluableand sensitive information. In order to serve the purpose,we comeup with an idea to build a Mobile Security App.The major features of this app are as followed:* Centralized Dashboard to provide all the security settings atoneplace.* Depict Alerts with the associated settings to highlightsecuritythreats.* Helps users understand criticality of less commonsecuritysettings.Apart from this, this app encourages users to take advantageofexisting security settings which could be beneficial toprotectthemselves for future security threats.Mobile phone security app, Free mobile security app, Mobiledatasecurity, Mobile data security app, Wifi security app, Freeandroidsecurity app, Bluetooth security app, Phone security app,Mobiledevice security, Mobile security threats